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Swagger UI


Type Name Description
String id unique shipment DACHSER ID
String shipmentDate creation date of the shipment YYYY-MM-DD(RFC3339/full-date)
Forwarder forwarder This is the branch how collects and sends consignors' goods Customer will get this Branch info after the customer contact with Dachser.
Weight shipmentWeight weight information of the shipment.
ShipmentVolume shipmentVolume volume information of the shipment.
PartnerInformation consignor This is the Shipper, how send goods to consignee
PartnerInformation consignee This is the consignee, how received the goods
List<Reference> references It's the reference that used in Transport (road and ASL).
Costs Costs shipment costs. See Element "Costs" for more details.

Type Name Description
String id cost id
String invoiceNumber invoice Number
String invoicePosition shipment's position on invoice
String invoiceDate invoice date
String invoiceDate invoice date
Weight chargableWeight chargable weight information of the shipment.
Amount totalAmount total transport costs
List<CostsDetails> costsDetails total transport costs amount.

Type Name Description
String serviceType service type code
String serviceTypeDescription service type description translated
Amount monetaryAmount service type amount..

Type Name Description
String id Branch id, every customer has a branch, that responsible to collect and send consignors' goods.

Type Name Description
id Consignor / consignee Id.
partnerGLN Consignor / consignee GLN (Global Location Number).
(Length min:1 & max:3)
names Consignor / consignee name.
AddressInformation addressInformation Consignor / consignee Address information.

Type Name Description
String weight Weight amount
String unit only "KG" is supported

Type Name Description
String volume Amount of the cubic meter
String unit only "M3" supported

Type Name Description
String amount amount (excluding VAT)
String currency currency agreed with your branch

Type Name Description
String code For more info about Dachser reference cods, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String value Code value

Type Name Description
(Length min:1 & max:1)
streets streets names.
String postalCode Postal code of the city
String city City name
String countryCode ISO country code on 2 characters, for example: Germany (DE), France(FR)
String supplementInformation Here can be additional address information, such as emails, phone number, rear entrance. However, customer can use it as you need it.