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Use this link to generate a test token with limited validity.


Type Name Default Value Description
String format P Label Format:
  1. "P": PDF format
  2. "Z": ZPL format
(max 100)
count 1 SSCCs numbers
String fontFileName ARIALR.FNT For ZPL label format
Shipment Shipments *

Type Name Description
String division * Label Format:
  1. "T": Dachser European Logistics
  2. "F": Dachser Food Logistics
String product * Dachser Products.
For more info about Dachser's product, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String deliveryDate Planned delivery date YYYY-MM-DD (RFC3339/full-date)
Forwarder forwarder * Id of the DACHSER branch who will collect and dispatch the consignment. See DACHSER API Codelist.
PartnerInformation consignor * Sender location to be included on the label.
PartnerInformation consignee * Receiver of the consignment.
List<String> ssccs To be used if sscc numbers have been generated. Count field will be ignored in this case. Otherwise delete this field and Dachser will generate and return the SSCCs.
List<Reference> references Transport References to be printed on the label.

Type Name Description
String id * Dispatch Branch Id

Type Name Description
String partnerGLN
String language * (ISO 639-1 Standard language codes.). Examples: de, en, fr, ...
(Length min 1 & max 3)
names * Consignor's / consignee's name.
AddressInformation addressInformation * Consignor's / consignee's Address information.

Type Name Description
String code Available reference codes are described on the DACHSER API Codelist
String value Reference value

Type Name Description
(Length min 1, max 1)
streets * streets names.
String postalCode * Postal code of the city
String city * City name
String countryCode * ISO country code on 2 characters, for example: Germany ("DE"), France ("FR")
String supplementInformation Can be used to provide additional address information, such as phone number, hints, ...

Type Name Description
List<String> ssccs SSCCs used on the labels
Relation relation Long Distance Relation (included in the label)
Base64 encoded label The label in PDF or ZDL (Base64 encoded).

Type Name Description
String printableRelation Long Distance Relation included on the label
String country DACHSER country code
String relationCode Relation number