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Use this link to generate a test token with limited validity.


Important info:

  • * Mandatory field
  • ? Mandatory or not, depending on the settings in your eLogistics account.

Numbers info:

  • the numbers after the decimal point is rounded to the nearest hunderdth (e.g., 1.91111 -> 1,910, 1.915 -> 1.920)
  • the integer numbers rounded to the nearst (e.g., 1.4 CM -> 1, 1.5 -> 2 CM)

Type Name Description
String logisticsType Allowable Values: DISTRIBUTION("D"), PROCUREMENT("P"). Default value: "D"
boolean saveQuotation True to save the quotation in eLogistics freightquotation, so that it can be converted to a forwarding order later, open eLogistics. Default value: False
TransportOrder transportOrder Transport data for the price calculation.

Type Name Description
String division * Allowable Values: "T" (European Logistics), "F" (Food Logistics)
String product * Dachser Products.
For more info about Dachser's product, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String term * terms of delivery for European logistics
For more info about Dachser's terms, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String transportDate * Date when the goods shall be picked up. YYYY-MM-DD (RFC3339/full-date)
String dangerousGoodsCode "D" for dangerous goods
"E" for dangerous goods in excepted quantities
"L" for dangerous goods in limited quantities.
PartnerId forwarder ? the Branch that collects the goods
PartnerId consignor ? To be filled in case of procurement freight.
Consignee consignee * To be filled in case of distribution freight.
TransportOption transportOptions add some optional data like notification.
MonetaryAmount goodsValueInsurance The monetary value of the goods to be insured.
List<Reference> references This list contains customer order number, delivery note number(s) and further references
List<TransportOrderLines> transportOrderLines * The order lines contain detailed information of all goods to be transported.

Type Name Description
String id * Forworder Id: the DACHSER branch who will collect and dispatch the consignment.
consignor Id: the customer id - i.e. where the goods are picked up

Type Name Description
String id Fully optional and communicated by the branch for larger consignees.
String language Translation of the titles used on the label's consignee section.
String partnerGLN Global Location Number for the consignee
(length: min 1, max 3)
name Consignee names
AddressInformation addressInformation * Consignor's / consignee's Address information.

Type Name Description
String collectionOption Notification or Booking In, "CN" for notification, "CB" for booking-in.
(length: min 0, max: 1)
deliveryNoticeOptions Notification methods of delivery.
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
boolean deliveryTailLift Tail lift needed for delivery. Default value is false
boolean selfCollector Self-collector. Default value is false
boolean frostProtected Frost protected. Default value is false
String storageSpace ? Storage space code

Type Name Description
String code For more info about Dachser's reference cods, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String value Code value

Type Name Description
int quantity packaging Quantity
String packaging DACHSER packaging type code.
For more info about Dachser's packaging, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String content packaging contents
Decimal loadingMetre Order line measure.
Weight weight * Weight of the entire order line.
Measure measure ? Dimensions of the package in terms of length, width, and height.
GoodsGroup goodsGroup Goods groups are groups of certain goods for which special conditions apply. These conditions must be stored by Branch for the customer

Type Name Description
(Length min 1 & max 3)
streets streets names.
String postalCode * Postal code of the city
String city City name
String countryCode * ISO country code on 2 characters, for example: Germany ("DE"), France ("FR")

Type Name Description
Decimal amount * Description
String unit * Only "M3" is supported.

Type Name Description
Integer weight * packaging width in CM
String unit * Only "KG" is supported.

Type Name Description
String id Quotation id
String quotationDate Quotation Date
MonetaryAmount totalAmount the total Amount of the freight quotation
List<QuotationDetails> quotationDetails
String remarks Free texts

Type Name Description
Decimal amount * The monetary value
String currency * currency code, example: "EUR"

Type Name Description
String type * Delivery Notice code.
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String name * Contact Person name
String mobilePhone ? Mobile Phone number
String phone ? Phone number
String mail ? Email address

Type Name Description
String serviceType Description
String serviceTypeDescription Description
MonetaryAmount serviceTypeAmount

Type Name Description
String code Code
String quantity Quantity

Type Name Description
Integer length * Length measurement only CM.
Less than 240 cm (exception in special case)
Integer width * Width measurement only in CM.
Less than 240 cm (exception in special case)
Integer height * Height measurement only in CM.
Less than 240 cm (exception in special case)
String unit * Only "CM" is supported.
Volume volume ? The volume(L x W x H x qty) of all packages of the one order line in m3

Type Name Description
String message Description
List<String> details errors details