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Use this link to request a trial subscription for this API.


Important info:

  • * Mandatory field
  • ? Mandatory or not, depending on the settings in your eLogistics account.

Numbers info:

  • the numbers after the decimal point is rounded to the nearest hunderdth (e.g., 1.91111 -> 1,910, 1.915 -> 1.920)
  • the integer numbers rounded to the nearst (e.g., 1.4 CM -> 1, 1.5 -> 2 CM)

Type Name Default Value Description
String transportDate * Date when the good shall be picked up.
Note: The "transportDate" is automatically set to 31.12 after two years in trial mode.
String labelFormat P the label format, "P" for PDF, "Z" for Zebra Printer Language, by default it's "P"
String division * DACHSER division, T=industrial goods, F=food.
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String product * DACHSER's Product like "targoflex" for DACHSER European Logistics ("T").
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String term * Terms of Delivery for Europen Logistics
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
PartnerId forwarder ? Id of the DACHSER branch who will collect and dispatch the consignment. See DACHSER API Codelist.
PartnerId consignor ? Your customer id - i.e. where the goods are picked up (if no deviating loading point is given)
Consignee consignee * Receiver of the consignment.
TransportOptions transportOptions This object is related to Dachser's Products type, or to add some optional data like notification
ValueInsurance goodsValueInsurance ? The monetary value of the goods to be insured.
(length: min 1, max: *)
references * This list contains customer order number, delivery note number(s) and further references.
(length: min 0, max: *)
furtherAddresses ? Use this list to specify loading points, cover addresses and more.
PackingAid packingAids Several boxes for example, can thus be packed onto a Euro pallet. Or several pallets can be stacked in case of sandwich pallets.

For more info, please download Description Packing Aids API 1.0
(length: min 0, max: *)
texts additional texts to be passed to the driver or a note to add to the invoice
String orderGroup Order groups help in invoice splitting and do not affect conditions or the transport.
Order groups must be defined before with branch.
(length: min 1, max: *)
TransportOrderLine * The order lines contain detailed information of all goods to be transported.

Type Name Description
String id Dispatch Branch Id or Consignor Id

Type Name Description
String id Fully optional and communicated by the branch for larger consignees.
String language Translation of the titles used on the label's consignee section.
String partnerGLN Global Location Number for the consignee
(length: min 1, max 3)
name * Consignee names
AddressInformation addressInformation* Consignee address details

Type Name Description
String collectionOption Collection notification "CN" and collection booking "CB".
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
(length: min 0, max: 1)
deliveryNoticeOptions Notification methods of delivery.
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
Boolean deliveryTailLift If the load is not to be unloaded at a loading ramp nor is a tail lift available at the location, the transport vehicle must be equipped with a tail lift.
Boolean selfCollector Flag to indicate that the goods will be picked up by the consignee at the delivery branch
Boolean frostProtected frost protected transport service 5℃ plus. This service related just with some Dachser's products.
Decimal storageSpace Number of storage positions in truck.
String fixedDate Fixed delivery date, only relevant for certain product codes like targofix ("V"). Format YYYY-MM-DD.
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String collectionTimeFrom Collection Time From (format hh:mm)
String collectionTimeTo Collection Time To (format hh:mm)

Type Name Description
String code Text code.
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String value The text that the customer wants to display on the Invoice or delivery note.

Type Name Description
String type * Delivery Notice code.
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String name * Contact Person name
String mobilePhone ? Mobile Phone number
String phone ? Phone number
String mail ? Email address

Type Name Description
Decimal amount the goods insurance value
String currency ? currency code, example: EUR

Type Name Description
Decimal amount Amount of the cubic meter
String unit only "M3" supported

Type Name Description
String code For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String value Reference value

Note that: the code 100 (Customer Order Number) is mandatory.

        "code": "100",
        "value": "3453XXX34"


Transports to Hungary normally require an EKAER number. The EKAER number is transferred as a reference with code "312" and EKAER number value. If the transport to Hungary does not require an EKAER number, fill the reference "312" with the fixed value "EKAER NOT REQUIRED".

If you set another address or make a typo that will return an error, it must be the SAME address
Type Name Description
String code Further Address code.
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
(length: min 1, max 3)
names Description
AddressInformation addressInformation the address details

For more info, please download Description Packing Aids API 1.0

Type Name Description
Integer position Packing aid position - this field is used to reference the packing aid from the orderline.
Integer quantity Quantity of Packing Aids included.
String type Packing aid type.
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist

Type Name Description
Integer quantity * Quantity of packages with similar type.
String packaging * Package type code, for example: Euro Pallet ("EU").
For more info, please see DACHSER API Codelist
String content * Content of the packages, max 20 character
Weight weight* Weight of the entire order line.
Measure measure? Dimensions of the package in terms of length, width, and height.
Decimal loadingMetre ? The following formula is used to determine the required loading meters:
(Length x Width of goods in m) / 2.4 m
2.4 meters is the inner width of a truck
GoodsGroup goodsGroup ? Goods groups are groups of certain goods for which special conditions apply. These conditions must be stored by Branch for the customer
Integer packingAidPosition the packages of several order lines can be combined to form a packing-aid position
(length: min 0, max: *)
dangerousGoods All Dangerous Goods need to be registered in the eLogistics account before they can be used in the API.

Type Name Description
(length: min 1, max 1)
streets * street names
String city * city name
String postalCode * postal code
String countryCode * ISO country code on 2 characters
String supplementInformation In this field can be additional address information to be displayed on the label, such as the back entrance, telephone number of contact person, etc.
It can be used as needed.

Type Name Description
Decimal weight Weight amount of articles, for example, it's the total weight of the articles within one pallet + pallet weight.
Decimal unit GRAM("gr"), KILOGRAM("kg"), OUNCE("oz"), POUND("lb")

Type Name Description
Integer length * packaging length in CM
Integer width * packaging width in CM
Integer height * packaging height in CM
String unit * only "M3" is supported
Volume volume ? The volume(L x W x H x qty) of all packages of the one order line in m3

Type Name Description
String code * Group code
Integer quantity * The Quantity

Either customerId or a combination of unNumber and packingGroup need to be supplied to pick the customer specific dangerous goods type that was previously registered in eLogistics.

Type Name Description
String customerId

the dangerous good ID, that was assigned in eLogistic

String unNumber * relevant UN dangerus goods number
String packagingGroup * Customer Packaging Group
String mass * Dangerous goods mass
Integer quantity * Number of packages
String packaging * Dangerous goods packing types
String nosSourceOfHazard N.O.S (not otherwise specified) goods, For N.O.S goods the technical name has to be declared and transmitted
Boolean environmentallyHazardous * Are these goods have the potential to threaten the surrounding natural environment or adversely affect people's health?

Type Name Description
Integer id Transport Order Id. Automatically generated on DACHSER side.
String state values: imported, labelled or sent
Base64 encoded label Base64 coded binary data of the label. Not present if state=imported.
(length: min 0, max: *)
ssccs SSCC codes are listed on the label but are not present if the order type is "imported".
(length: min 0, max: *)
messages any messages like Warnings
(length: min 0, max: *)
_links these contain links to print labels, send or either delete request